Endometriosis is one of the most mysterious and fascinating gynaecological disorders. It is a disease of childbearing period. Endometriosis is the occurrence of ectopic endometrial tissues outside the cavity of the uterus. Ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis is the safest way to get relief from the symptoms.

Risk Factors

  1. Family history
  2. High socioeconomic status
  3. Obesity
  4. Hormone- estrogen dependant condition 
  5. Nulliparity


According to ayurveda , this condition is due to altered vata dosha. Mainly “Apana vayu vikara”. We can corelate endometriosis with vatik yoni vyapad,Granthi,Gulma,Udavarta yoni vyapad,Visarpa etc. Apana vata obstruction causes severe pain and scanty menstrustion.


  1. Dysmenorrhoea
  2. Abnormal menstruation 
  3. Infertility
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. Dyspareunia

Common sites of endometriosis 

  1. Ovary
  2. Pouch of Douglas
  3. Uterosacral ligament 
  4. Rectovaginal septum
  5. Abdominal scar

Complication of Endometriosis

  1. Infertility
  2. Rupture of chocolate cyst
  3. Infection 
  4. Malignancy

Line of treatment of Endometriosis

  1. Vata anuloman chikitsa
  2. Lakhana chikitsa
  3. Treatment for vataj yoni vyapad
  4. Shophhar chikitsa
  5. Granthihar chikitsa
  6. Raktaprasadan 
  7. Rasayan chikitsa

Panchkarma Therapy

  1. Abhyanga
  2. Swedana
  3. Udvartana
  4. Virechan
  5. Matra basti/Nirhu basti
  6. Utter basti 

Ayurvedic Drugs for endometriosis

Kanchnar guggulu, Kashor guggul,chandraprabha vati, triphala, ashwagandha, ashoka,lodhra, shatavari etc